The History of Date Hookup Spots Hartlepool
Today, Hartlepool 's bar and club owners can now open their doors way past midnight without
any negative reaction from the licensing authority. However, one fact was clear, though and
that is most pubs were only allowed to be opened until 10:30PM. Not too long ago in
Hartlepool, there were several pubs, bars and nightclubs that were a dominant part of the
community. There are many nightclubs that stood the test of time, but there are still those
that did not and had to shut their doors. As the club craze began to catch on, Hartlepool
was one of the places that soon had several of them with varying eminence. One of the clubs
was the "Claggy Mat." This one got its name because the carpets were rarely cleaned and some
people thought the carpets were even sticky as a result. However, when the club was popular,
it was one of the Hartlepool date spots that young guys and their women
would meet up. There were some couples who met for the first time in that club. The Gemini
was another bar and club that got its fair affection from the locals. While, it was not a
world of James Bond with glamour and sophistication, it was still a fun place while it was
open. At Club Gemini, you could pop in for a late night cap. You could expect to see
performances from the Dakotas,, Unit Four Plus Two and Billy J. Kramer at any given night of
the week. On those nights, the club would be filled to capacity and everyone seemed to have
had lots of fun.
For several reasons, clubs, bar and pubs in Hartlepool began to see a slow decline years
later. A smoking ban was one of the reasons. It took effect during those club days. Most
clubs did not have a smoking area for customers and so most customers had to go in front of
the building outside to smoke. For that reason, the clubs that had no smoking area gradually
lost customers who preferred to go to a club that had a beer garden inside where they could
smoke. The DJs were unfairly treated by some club owners. Their playlist, according to
management, did not belong to them, if they worked at certain clubs. For that reason, those
clubs had a low DJ retention rate. Patrons would always be loyal to their DJs and if a DJ
left a club, the patrons went along too. Some DJs also did not play to suit the patrons and
some clubs would have their patrons hanging around and chatting in the beer garden instead
of dancing to the music being played. Soon bars and clubs began installing jukeboxes to
substitute DJs. As a result, there were many bars, clubs and nightclubs that closed their
doors. Visit the Official
Website for more details on the history of Hartlepool date hookup spots. has created a list of several date spots in
Hartlepool that you should take advantage of.